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FRESH Networks wins the 2024 Kofi Annan Award for Innovation in Africa

Sep 5

1 min read




Fresh Networks receiving Kofi Annan Award
Kofi Annan Award Winner

FRESH is proud to have won the Kofi Annan Award for Innovation in Africa for developing a smart milk distribution solution that can transform informal dairy markets. 

Our mission has always been to bridge the gap between affordability and safety in dairy markets, particularly in urban areas where millions of families rely on unsafe milk. With our innovative technology suite - featuring smart milk dispensers, IoT-enabled cold chain systems, and real-time stock monitoring - we’re making high-quality milk accessible to those who need it most. This award reinforces the potential of our solution to reshape how milk is distributed in emerging markets across Africa.

A heartfelt thank you to the Kofi Annan Foundation, the World Food Programme Innovation Accelerator ,the Austrian Federal Chancellery, and the Austrian Development Agency. for this unparalleled opportunity.

Sep 5

1 min read





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